Monthly Archives: January 2016
And the winner is…
Thank you to all the ladies who left me birthday blessings! I enjoyed reading your comments and responding. Miss Michaela had great fun putting everyone’s name in her own special cap and drawing out the winner. She would like to congratulate….Kelly Zabka of the Zabka Clan!! Of course to her, this was not “Kelly” but “Khloe’s mama”. 🙂 We will mail out your special package in the morning. Happy weekend everyone! Love, Margie and Michaela
Make the Most of Every Opportunity
I remember my last visit with my Grandma Houseworth as if it were yesterday. It was the end of August and we were sitting in her yard snapping green beans. She had insisted on tea towels in our laps to catch the stems and we shared a bucket on the ground for the broken beans. Her namesake, Mary Caroline, was helping us snap in between playing cowboys with her brothers in the sunshine. The boys loved Grandma’s collection of cap … read more